It is hard to believe that, only a year ago, I was sitting in the East and our lodge was heading into the last few meetings of the year. Looking back, we have done a lot – I am proud to have held the gavel during those last few months, but even prouder to have had the opportunity to sit beside the new Master as he has implemented his program. The word “Gratitude” comes to mind.
We’ve come a long way. Our lodge has been busy with our degree work. We have brought some quality men into the fold. Our mentoring program is running full steam. We have been designated a Cornerstone lodge, recognition that we are a well-managed, working lodge. Our officer line is developing nicely. Our candidate pipeline is overflowing! Our Master has put on a full program of interesting meetings and I have personally enjoyed each and every time we sit together. It is good time to be a mason.
As we head into the last few meetings of the year, it would be appropriate to remind ourselves of what is coming up. The Master intends to lead a lodge of discussion in April. The Grand Master will be visiting us at our April Emergent meeting, at the same time as we host a tribute dinner for our own Right Worshipful Brother John Forster. We have elections in May and our Installation in June. Among all of this, our degree work continues and we also have our other activities such as the semi-annual Brunch at Veterans’ House, and more. As I mentioned, it is a good time to be a mason, and we hope to see you in lodge or any of our other activities as you are able.
In closing, we hope to see you in lodge. And if you are not yet a mason but interested in joining our gentle craft, please reach out. We’re usually up for a coffee, and many of our social activities (including dinners) are open to friends, so, again, please reach out.
Steve Young, Immediate Past Master