The master’s chair: Premier Meeting

Join us for a memorable start to our masonic year!

Wishing you all are in good health and high spirits, as we emerge from a well-deserved summer break, I’m excited to invite you to come together and kickoff the new Masonic year with renewed energy and enthusiasm. It’s always a joy to reconnect, and there’s no better way to do so than through the fellowship of our brotherhood.

Let me start with a question: Do you really know the brothers in our Lodge? You might recognize their names, their face and their voice, but do you truly know who they are? This year, we’re reintroducing a program designed to foster deeper connections within our fraternity, and it all begins at our first meeting.

As we enter September, we are reminded of the significance of the equinox—a time of balance between light and dark, day and night. This period of equilibrium is symbolic of our own journey as Masons, where we seek balance in our lives and strive for harmony within our Lodge. It’s the perfect moment to gather and renew our commitment to these values as we embark on another year of shared growth and enlightenment.

This month promises to be both busy and rewarding, with brotherly love at the forefront of our activities. The Officers of St. Andrew’s Lodge have worked tirelessly to create a spectacular and memorable night to kick off the year.

We’ll start with our regular meeting on Thursday, September 5th, where our Bro. Junior Warden, with the assistance of Bro. R. Griffen, will host a festive board featuring mouth-watering Mexican cuisine. This gathering is the perfect opportunity to reconnect, share stories, and deepen our bonds. During the evening, Bro. Bayliss will speak on the importance of benevolence and charity—core principles of Freemasonry that guide our actions and define who we are. We’ll also have the pleasure of welcoming our candidates and prospective members. It’s essential that we make them feel at home and take the time to truly get to know them. After all, it’s our collective responsibility to guard the West Gate.

The Lodge meeting that follows promises to be engaging and insightful. We’ll begin with the investiture of two officers we were unable to invest during the Installation. We’ll then receive updates from the latest Grand Lodge Communication, ensuring we’re all informed and aligned with our Masonic obligations. Bro. W. Levere will share an inspiring piece on the value of our collective efforts, reminding us of the power of unity. And finally, we’ll honor V.W. Bro. Gilbert McGill, a founding member of our Lodge and Worshipful Master from 1924-1925. R.W. Bro. R. Campbell will share the story of V.W. Bro. McGill’s life in Ottawa, and we’ll have the privilege of viewing his regalia—a significant artifact that connects us to our Lodge’s rich history.

Looking ahead, we’ll continue our journey with a series of ritual practices and coaching sessions for our new Masons, starting the following week. I encourage you to join us for dinner on the second Thursday, followed by these practice sessions. Then, on the third Thursday, we’ll hold a First Degree ceremony for a worthy candidate—a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of his Masonic journey.

Effective communication is key to our collective success, and I’d like to take a moment for some housekeeping items:

  • Signal Group: We now have 23 members in our Lodge’s Signal group. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to install the Signal App on your phone and join us. It’s a great way to stay connected and informed.
  • Google Calendar: For those who are able, please add our shared Google calendar through the link shared in Lodge. It’s the best way to keep track of upcoming events and meetings.
  • Calendar in a PDF: For anyone unable to add the Google Calendar, ask our Secretary to share with you a two-page document highlighting the prime events for the year. A hard copy will be shared during our meeting.

Let’s also remember to stay connected, especially with those brothers who may be facing health challenges or uncertainties. A kind word or gesture can make all the difference, and each of us plays a vital role in supporting one another as we advance in Masonry.

I invite you to be a part of this month’s events and help us make it a memorable start to the year. Your presence and participation are what make our Lodge strong, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W. Bro. J. Federico
Worshipful Master, 2024-2025
St. Andrew’s Lodge #560
Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario