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Celebrating 300 years of The foundations of Freemasonry

Freemasons celebrated the Tercentenary of The 1723 Constitutions in 2023. Today with over 6 million Freemasons worldwide, the fraternity continues to play an active role in society, promoting its core principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

We make good man better

Freemasonry is founded on the grand principles of brotherly love, relief and truth through which offers a mean for making good men better.

To be one, ask one

The first thing to recognise is that a man becomes a Freemason only through his own volition. We do not solicit members!

Happy to meet

Happy to meet

We’re glad you found us!

St. Andrew’s Lodge #560 is a first-class Masonic lodge with Scottish traditions and a proud representative of freemasonry in Ottawa.

St. Andrew’s Lodge meets at the Ottawa Masonic Centre on 2140 Walkley Road from September to June. St. Andrew’s is an active Lodge whose primary purpose is to provide fellowship for men of good conscience.

If you are interested in Freemasonry, we invite you to explore our site and to contact us with any questions. Freemasonry is an inclusive and inviting organization. It offers the benefits of life-long fellowship with a group of men who share an interest in living according to their moral outlook.

If you are a Mason, we invite you to visit us on the first Thursday of any month. Please take a look to our Calendar of Events, there are pleanty of opportunities over the year for fellowship and sharing.

We look forward to meeting you.

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