Just a quick note to say that four members of St. Andrew’s lodge attended the recent Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, held in Toronto this past week. I’ll be sending out a quick summary of my key takeaways from our time there, and will be submitting a formal report at the Committee of General Purposes prior to our September monthly meeting.
In the mean time, some dates for your calendar:
– 3 August – a “friend-to-friend” information night will be held at the Ottawa Masonic Centre (1040 Walkley Road) for anyone considering joining freemasonry. We’ll need a hand with set-up and with answering questions, guiding the tour, etc. We’re hoping to have a snack and perhaps a drink as well. Dress casually. this activity is open to non-masons and anyone interested in joining the Craft. Bring a friend.
– 24 August – rehearsal for the double first degree in September. Anyone with ritual to deliver is strongly encouraged to attend. We can also use some help from senior masons familiar with the work to help us polish our floor work.
– 31 August – I would like to meet with the officers of the lodge. Time and location to be determined but I am initially hoping to get together on my patio. Details to follow.
– 4 September – CGP
– 7 September – double first degree
– 21 September – practice for double third Emergent meeting
– 23 September – Saturday double third
Hope to see you all soon.