Brethren of St. Andrew’s, welcome back!
I trust you all had a wonderful summer with your families and loved ones.
First, I would like to thank you for entrusting me with the leadership of the Lodge for the ensuing year. I will do my very best to uphold the traditions, history and excellence of St. Andrew’s. As we begin our masonic year, I can’t help but feel the excitement. This is a special year for us, it’s our centennial. Plans have been in motion for some time now. It’s going to be a great celebration as a total of four lodges will be turning 100 years old.
My theme for this year is “Brotherhood”. I hope to strengthen our lodge by having more masonic education, social activities and fellowship with our brethren, as well as our families. Also, official confirmation came to me at Grand Lodge that we are once again designated a Cornerstone lodge. This is a great achievement. So let us continue to lead by example and hold ourselves to a higher standard.
I would like to continue the traditions that we’ve established (reading of the ancient charges, the bifurcated gavel with Renfrew Lodge, Burns’ Night, etc.), and inviting special guests to our lodge that share what else masonry has to offer. I have a focussed team who are committed to achieving the goals I have set for the year. This is our lodge and our year. Let’s work together in getting to know one another and share ideas to help us grow. Brotherly love, Relief and truth will not only make us stronger as a Lodge but will also cement our relationships with one another.
I am looking forward to a great year in the chair of King Solomon, and with your support, I know we can have a successful year. I’d like to encourage you to come out to different activities inside and outside the lodge and I look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting in September.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Elias Lakkis. W.M. 2019-20