The master’s chair


I hope you and your families are keeping well during these uncertain times that we are all facing with many adversities.

It is imperative that you know that no member of St Andrew’s should have to face these challenges alone. V.W. Bro. Fermoyle has sent out an email sharing the contact information of Brethren who are willing and able to assist.

Please do not hesitate to use their services. We are all in this together and it will be together that we will see it through.

In compliance with Grand Lodge directives, there will be no meetings or social gatherings for April and perhaps May, only time will tell. We will do all that we can to keep you informed and to keep in touch with one another.

I encourage all of you to reach out to your brethren and see how they are doing. Sometimes a simple hello goes a long way.

Take care my Brothers, may God help us and give us strength in this difficult time.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Elias Lakkis W.M. 2019-2020